Your go-to source for plagiarism prevention and detection

Welcome to the Plagium Blog, where we keep you up-to-date on the latest news, trends, and insights on plagiarism.

How to detect plagiarism in group and collaborative work?

Plagiarism is a form of academic fraud that occurs when someone presents someone else's work…

How does Plagium compare to other plagiarism detection tools?

Plagium is an effective plagiarism detection tool that identifies plagiarism in texts, documents and academic…

The ethics of plagiarism: why is originality important?

Plagiarism is a serious problem that can have serious consequences for students. In this article,…

The limitations of plagiarism detection tools and the importance of manual review

Learn how to detect and prevent plagiarism in academic papers with Plagium. Discover the limitations…

The importance of originality in academic texts and works

Discover the importance of originality in academic texts and papers and learn how to avoid…

How to detect self-plagiarism in academic texts and works

Discover what self-plagiarism is and why it is important to detect it in your academic…