API v2

keyyesYour API Key
passwordnoYour API password if set
data.titlenoDocument title
data.descriptionnoDocument description
data.authornoDocument author
data.keywordsnoDocument keywords
data.sourcenoScope of the search.
Possible values:
web: search over the web
file: compare with my documents
Default is: [“web”].
data.typenoSearch type. Possible values:
quick: for a quick search (only available with data.source=web)
deep: for a deep search
Default is: “deep”.
data.url_filternoDomain or urls to be excluded from results separated by space or line feed.
data.import_idnoThe id of your document for consolidation usage
data.min_ranknoMinimum amount percentage (0 to 100) of common meaningful words between two sentences.
Default is: 45.0.
data.min_relationnoMinimum similarity (0.0 to 1.0) between two sentences. Default is: 0.4.
data.webhook.urlnoThe webhook will make an HTTP POST request to your app with information about your search.
data.webhook.formatnoWebhook data format. Possible values:
simple: only send search and cost information
document: send information about document, search, and cost
Default is: simple.
data.webhook.metadatanoWebhook metadata. User data, can be anything JSON object. Metadata is returned with the webhook callback.
var request = require('request');

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request.post("https://api.plagium.com/v2/document", { json: true, body: body },
function(err, res, body) {
    if (err) console.error(err);
    else {

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passwordnoYour API password if set.
var request = require('request');

var body={
request.post("https://api.plagium.com/v2/remaining_credits", { json: true, body: body },
function(err, res, body) {
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